Application Due Date: April 15, 2025
- Basic Information – To be included as separate Cover Sheet and not in Application Narrative
- Project Name (Character Limit: 100)
- Purpose (Character Limit: 200)
- Briefly describe the purpose of your request
- Example: To support (name/type of program) that will (what the project will ultimately do).
- Which program area best describes your request? Select one based on the program/project content, and not the type of organization.
- Children/Youth of South Asian Descent in the United States
- Women of South Asian Descent in the United States
- Children/Youth of South Asian Descent in India
- Women of South Asian Descent in India
- What is the total cost of your program/project?
- What amount is requested from Ignite Asha?
- Application Narrative – Limit three (3) pages using 10 pt. font with one (1) inch margins
- Organization Description
- What is the overall purpose or mission of your organization?
- Please include brief history, date established, and date 501(c)(3) status was granted.
- Operations – Please describe anything significant that occurred within your organization this year that has impacted your operations.
- Program/Project Description
- Describe the program/project to be funded.
- How will you specifically use the grant funds that are being requested?
- Program/Project Outcomes
- What benefit is your program/project intended to provide?
- What results or goals are you trying to achieve?
- How will you measure the results of the program/project?
- Impact
- What percent of the population served by your organization are of South Asian descent?
- What percent of the population served by this program/project are of South Asian descent?
- How many individuals will be served by this program/project?
- Sustainability
- Is this a new, continuing or one-time program/project?
- What are your plans for fully funding and sustaining this program/project?
- Specify other funding sources or steps taken to get additional funding for program/project
- Collaboration
- What other agencies are you working with on this program/project?
- Describe partnerships and activities.
- Organization Description
- Supplemental Documents – to be sent as individual PDF files
- Financials
- Organization’s budget for this project
- Organization’s budget for the current fiscal year
- Organization’s budget with both projected and actual totals for the last three completed fiscal years
- Board Members – Please include a list of current board members with addresses.
- Staff – Please include list of management and pertinent staff members.
- Financials
In order for your application to be considered complete, your organization’s cover sheet, application narrative, and all supplemental documents must be emailed to application@igniteasha.org before the deadline.
Questions? Please contact Simrit Patel at simrit@igniteasha.org.